Education Frequently Asked Questions
Within this page, you can find a compiled list of frequently asked questions related to education at BCA including Skill Cards.
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To apply for the CISC one can download the application from through the official BCA website Once payment is sent by applicant and all requested documentation is received, BCA will start processing the application to issue the skill card.
For the time being, the applicant needs to send the application form and the requested documentation on
Yes, you can apply for a skill card and have more than one trade registered on the same card.
Yes. Once, the subsidiary legislation is approved, anyone who enters a construction site has to be in possession of a skill card. If the person is just visiting, he/she can use the visitor’s card temporarily obtained from the site supervisor/manager.
To be eligible for a skill card, one needs to have a health and safety certificate and a trade competency certificate from a recognised body/institution.
Any qualification obtained from any other country within/outside the EU will be vetted byThe Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC), who is the competent body within the MFHEA that recognises qualifications against the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). More information is found on:
All individuals need to attend and obtain a health and safety certificate. A trade test issued by Jobs+ is also required, should one does not want to go back to school. More information on Trade Testing System:
The basic H&S awareness course is against a nominal fee of €30. The Supervisory and Professional H&S course is against a fee of €70. In both instances, a certificate is issued. One can apply for the H&S course by sending an email on
The Construction Industry Skill Card costs €15. Payment can be affected via bank transfer on: MT42VALL22013000000050018099503
One can re-apply for the lost skill card by sending an email on There will be a charge of €15 to replace the lost skill card.
Skill cards need to be renewed every five years, or every time one obtains a higher skill level.