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September 26, 2023
Official opening of the Building and Construction Authority new offices
The Minister for Public Works and Planning Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi inaugurated the new offices of the Building and Construction Authority, the BCA in Marsa. During his […]
September 7, 2023
The first research report to make a compendium of the laws that affect the sector of construction is completed
The Faculty of Law of the University of Malta has completed the first phase of research on Construction Laws in Malta The Minister for Public Works […]
July 31, 2023
Relocation of BCA Offices
We are pleased to inform you that since we have outgrown our current workplace and have found a more modern space that matches our ambition, our […]
July 27, 2023
Another reform to continue raising the level in the construction sector – Change in the Mason’s license
The change in the rules of the masons’ license which has been put up for Public Consultation, defines what skills a person must have to work […]
July 22, 2023
Contractor’s License Application Form
The Chief Executive of the Building and Construction Authority notifies interested parties that the application process of the Contractors’ License will be open from the 24th […]
July 18, 2023
The licensing of contractors regime that will regulate demolition, excavation and construction comes into force
Legal Notice no. 166 of 2023, which for the first time will introduce in Malta the Licensing of contractors was published today in the Government Gazette […]
June 29, 2023
Changes to the Method Statement templates
The purpose of this notification is to inform you of the changes carried out to the three Demolition, Excavation and Building Works forms of the method […]
June 21, 2023
Two-day course on energy efficiency in Maltese buildings
The Building and Construction Authority is taking the initiative to organise a two-day course on energy efficiency in Maltese buildings. This training will be open for […]
June 14, 2023
Public consultation on the minimum requirements for energy efficiency in new buildings and buildings to be renovated
The Ministry for Public Works and Planning together with the Building and Construction Authority are publishing an updated draft of “Document F” for public consultation. “Document […]