2021 Heat Pump Water Heater (HP) Scheme by REWS

The Heat Pump Water Heaters scheme is administered by the Regulator for Energy and Water Services to encourage the use of energy efficient equipment in the domestic sector. This scheme is funded through national funds and applies to private individuals (natural persons) for use in their residential properties, and for organisations that are not carrying out an economic activity.
Prospective applicants are invited to refer to the Guidelines to Applicants which have been prepared to assist applicants to complete the application form for a grant on a Heat Pump Water Heater.
The application form is divided into two parts. Applicants must complete Part A of the application with their personal details. Part A must be completed and submitted to the REWS prior to the purchase and installation of the equipment. Applicants are also further required to await a confirmation letter issued by REWS that their application has been accepted prior to the purchase and installation of the equipment.
To apply press and follow link https://www.rews.org.mt/#/en/sdgr/466-2021-heat-pump-water-heater-scheme-active
Should you want further information please send an email enquiry@rews.org.mt or call servizz.gov on Freephone 153.